Thursday, June 25, 2009


So one day I was on my ubuntu system, and my browser froze for the millionth time. My computer was in desperate need of cleaning... it only had 700 megs left of space! By this point, I was getting pretty tired of linux. The necessary ubuntu updates., the tons of software installed on it that id never use, the way ubuntu made it so that the use of lightweight managers was very difficult... it all got to me.

A couple days ago, I ventured out to try to install another distro. I had two in mind: slackware and arch linux. These past few days I've been trying them both out. In the middle of burning ISOs, my main cd burner conked out. I believe that it caused my slackware dvd to not burn properly... fml. in total, I burned 7 cds.

Ive settled on installing slackware due to the fact that its offline installation of software is very convenient for me. The community seems bigger than arch, and its most certainly been around longer than arch (slack is one of the oldest distros still active.) Right now, my computer is in the process of installing packages... I decided not to be a snob this time and chose the "full" option. Some of the packages I saw made me very happy... Gimp, firefox, Scim, xmms, ect. Im very happy I don't have to install of that manually.

Hopefully, Ill update on how my system is going. Hopefully I won't uninstall slack this time... patience is everything.


UPDATE: I just installed slackware, and its shutting down unexpectedly on startup. *sigh* try and try again

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


wow, its that time again: finals baby!

today is bio final, its in a half an hour so. Did I study? heck no!

Finals mark the beginnings of summer... so what are my plans?

1. Practice bass
2. go to england
3. study Csound
4. study PureData
5. study something like Java
6. Read

will I do that? Ill try. Will I have fun? Fuck yeah!

on a note about puredata, I just stumbled on it. For those of you not familiar, its basically a graphical programming language. Through the program Jack, I can use puredata to send MIDI messages to other applications and hardware. I was able to control Zynsubaddfx and even my keyboard through a midicable! Maybe I'll post a vid... its pretty entertaining.

Ok, I better get back to "studying" Ill be sure to post more...I promise..ish