Friday, May 28, 2010

CLAMP: project last words

It is with great sadness that I post my last entry regarding CLAMP. It has been a terrific few months, and I have learned so much in such a small amount of time. But all good things must end sometime, right?

At this point in time, I am done with all academic requirements. I have written my paper, finished all my music, and have presented my project to a panel judges.

All that is left for me to do is organizing and improving my project. I want to finish up my CASE pages, adding more screenshots and stuff. I still need to add descriptions to the later Demos. I also may add some additional things like an offline copy of this blog.

After all this is done, my entire project file will be put in a zip file and then posted online somehow for download. My hope is that I will be able to use for my project needs. Then, I will go to work on developing a general portfolio website for myself, which will include CLAMP.

Thank you to all who supported and helped to contribute to CLAMP. A special shoutout to Mr.Chinosi, Brendan Hathaway, and Mr.Carpenter. Without them, my project would not have existed.

Long Live Linux,

Paul Batchelor (aka Ralph Bluecoat)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

CLAMP: completion of software evals, and beyond

I just finished writing a software evaluation for Reaper running under Wine, which marks the last review I shall be writing for CLAMP.

With this last eval done, I have to start thinking about my final stages of this project.

This includes:

1. Finishing my research paper on Linux Music
2. Completing software evals, adding scores and screenshots to make them true CASEs
3. Compiling a presentation on CLAMP
4. Getting my project organized for opensource public distribution
5. working on ExCLAMP: The Extended Concise Linux Audio Music Project. More to come on this later.

It feels great seeing the end of the tunnel, and I hope to see you all there when I make it!


Monday, May 3, 2010

CLAMP: wrapping up demos

There has been a huge amount of progress since my last post. Actually, I was quite disappointed with myself when my last post was only the news of "demo 6"

Yesterday, I was working on Demo 9, and it should be done in a few days.

Yup. Demo 9. That means there was a 7 and 8 preceding it. They have been made, but I still have to write a description of them still.

Demo 9 will mark the end of the end of the musical demos created. When Demo 9 is finnished, I will have researched 26 pieces of software and used 23 of them. This number is not including the 4 pieces of software that I abandoned early on.

I am truly excited to be seeing an end to this wonderful project and seeing things wrapped up.

But it's not over until its over. I still have a paper to finish up, CASEs to write, and oh so little time.