Wednesday, June 17, 2009


wow, its that time again: finals baby!

today is bio final, its in a half an hour so. Did I study? heck no!

Finals mark the beginnings of summer... so what are my plans?

1. Practice bass
2. go to england
3. study Csound
4. study PureData
5. study something like Java
6. Read

will I do that? Ill try. Will I have fun? Fuck yeah!

on a note about puredata, I just stumbled on it. For those of you not familiar, its basically a graphical programming language. Through the program Jack, I can use puredata to send MIDI messages to other applications and hardware. I was able to control Zynsubaddfx and even my keyboard through a midicable! Maybe I'll post a vid... its pretty entertaining.

Ok, I better get back to "studying" Ill be sure to post more...I promise..ish

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget going to see a Jake Shimabukuro concert

