Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Theres nothing like cool signal flow

This weeks song that I am sequencing has turned into a very ambient-sounding one (as have most of my songs have been recently.) Every now and then, I do a really cool trick that you just can't help but share. So please allow me to indulge!

My track has a ton of reverb on it. At the moment, it has one reverb plugin that I am sending all my tracks to in varying amounts. In the heat of the moment, I decided that I wanted this reverb bus to be pulsating! Sidechaining a kick to a compressor, then removing the kick audio signal should do the trick. But how do we implement it in the DAW I am using (Renoise.)

The first step is to get the sidechaining (ducking) business set up. This is slightly difficult to do in Renoise because there are no native compressors that allow you to do achieve this automatically. A relatively new feature to Renoise is the signal follower. By inversing the max and min values, and sending it to the threshold control. The kick is essentially now sidechained to the compressor.

We don't want the kick to be present in the mix; we just want the duck effect it causes on the ambience. The problem in Renoise is that when you mute the kick, the signal follower stops working. My solution was to put a send on to the kick track AFTER the signal follower. This would then go to a an audio bus which would invert the signal. If we keep the original signal and the inverted signal, the two cancel out and we are left with just the swell. Cool!

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